The El Dorado County Mineral and Gem Society sponsors one-day and weekend field trips to collect specimens and cutting material. The club is also invited to participate in field trips sponsored by other clubs in the region through our affiliation with Field Trip Chairmen’s Association (Co-op). California Federation (CFMS) also offers field trip opportunities.
Trip locations have included Northern and Southern California, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Arizona.
Members of CFMS clubs automatically have such coverage provided by the Federation’s insurance policy. Non-CFMS members must provide a copy of their homeowners insurance policy or certificate of insurance from their insurance carrier.
- Signing up for the trip with the field trip leader is mandatory.
- All participants must sign a Consent and Assumption of Risk Waiver of Liability form upon arriving at the meeting site.
- Everyone attending the trip must abide by the AFMS Code of Ethics, practice safe rockhounding and follow the directions of the field trip leader. No exceptions.